
Hidden Flamingo Films are New Zealand independent documentary filmmakers Antony Kitchener and Simin Littschwager  based in Wellington. They have just completed their first documentary short film, Rock-Paper-Scissors, which premiered at the 2018 Doc Edge International Documentary Film Festival.

This website will be further updated as we progress with our next film making projects. Watch this space!

Simin Littschwager


Simin’s passion for cinema began during a part-time job at the box office of an independent cinema in Germany. Since then she has worked for various film festivals and gained a doctorate in film studies. Previously a researcher and lecturer, she has left the world of film theory behind to explore the practical (and more fun!) side of film making instead. 

Antony Kitchener


Antony is a photographer, with an extensive background in photojournalism, reportage and environmental portraiture. His work has been exhibited widely in Wellington and Melbourne and has been published in numerous magazines. Together with his partner Simin they founded Hidden Flamingo Films in 2017. Rock-Paper-Scissors is their first documentary film. 
